BaconFreak Blog

Bacon, Pork & Chorizo Meatballs

Bacon, Pork & Chorizo Meatballs

Posted by Boss Hog on May 14th 2021

All Bacon Freaks agree that BACON should be heavily consumed on Memorial Day. Made with ground bacon, ground pork and chorizo, these mildly spicy meatballs were created with carnivores in mind! The … read more
Best Bacon Recipes for Mother's Day

Best Bacon Recipes for Mother's Day

Posted by Boss Hog on Apr 29th 2021

Moms want comfort food on their special day. And bacon is the ultimate comfort food! We’ve rounded up the best bacon recipes that moms would love to eat on Mother’s Day including tons of breakfa … read more
¡Cinco de Bacon!

¡Cinco de Bacon!

Posted by Boss Hog on Apr 21st 2021

Cinco de Mayo is coming up, so today’s blog post is about how to incorporate bacon into this holiday. Last week we blogged about the “baco,” which puts a spin on the traditional taco by replacin … read more
Chicken and Bacon Recipes

Chicken and Bacon Recipes

Posted by Boss Hog on Mar 31st 2021

Chicken and Bacon Recipes Bacon and Chicken are a favorite food combo. Both foods are so versatile that they naturally pair well together. And with so many different ways to prepare chicken, the pos … read more
Bacon and Egg Easter Basket

Bacon and Egg Easter Basket

Posted by Boss Hog on Mar 26th 2021

Guest Post by Elise Coroneos at Photos by Tom Sandelands. If idle hands are the Devil’s playground, then this is a truly sinful craft project. I have been mostly unemploy … read more